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540 Magazine issue 14

Issue 14 of Fly540’s in-flight magazine “540” is published today and should be on board all of the carrier’s flights in the coming days. Issue 3 of Fly-SAX magazine will follow in the next few days.


Caribbean Maritime issue 23

Issue 23 of Caribbean Maritime magazine will be published early October and will be immediately available at the Caribbean Shipping Association’s AGM in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic.

Competition Winner

Abubakar Athman is the winner of the Hemingways Collection competition running in the latest issue of Fly540 and Fly-SAX in-flight magazines. Many congratulations to Abubakar.

Travelsmart issue 7

Issue 7 of Travelsmart – the inflight magazine of Dar-based LLC fastjet – goes live today. Copies of the magazine will be on board fastjet flights in the coming days.


Uganda Tourism Board

The Uganda Tourism Board has today given the go ahead for a new edition of “Destination Uganda” for launch at World Travel Market in London this November.

Zeeland Seaports Handbook

Dutch harbour authority Zeeland Seaports – comprising Vlissingen and Terneuzen on opposite banks of the River Scheldt – has today re-appointed Land & Marine to produce its biennial ports publication.

Work will commence in September with completion slated for first quarter 2015.

Haïti port publication

Land & Marine and the Autorite Portuaire National République d’Haïti have today agreed to produce a new port publication.

When completed later this year, the publication will be the first of its kind in Haïti. The publication will be in both French and English.

Fly540 success

Fly540’s in-flight magazine (and the sister publication for Fly-SAX) goes from strength to strength.

Issue 13 (published 1 May) was the best supported by advertisers since the magazine was launched in May 2011.

And from an advertising perspective, Issue 14 (due to be published 1 August) is already ahead of the previous edition – some seven weeks prior to publication.

Mount Kenya Guide

Land & Marine and the Mount Kenya Tourism Circuit Association (MKTCA) have agreed to produce a new edition of the Mount Kenya Tourism Guide.

The new Guide will be produced in late-October and launched the following month at World Travel Market in London.

Fly-540/SAX competition winner!

The Hemingways Collection competition that ran in Fly-540 (issue 12) and Fly-SAX (issue 1) magazines has been won by Peggy Pottenger. Peggy wins a trip for two to Hemingways Watamu. Congratulations Peggy.

We create…

Across magazines, newsletters, brochures, guides, handbooks, catalogues and other marketing materials in print and digital formats, Land & Marine can offer clients and advertising partners integrated creative solutions that engage readers. Read More about “We create…”

We deliver…

We offer the entire spectrum of publishing solutions to help get the best return on your investment. Our aim is to help you to meet your business objectives, by increasing brand value and awareness, boosting sales and retention. Read More about “We deliver…”

We work in…

Since 1992 Land & Marine has produced publications in more than 50 countries around the world including East Africa, Panama, the Caribbean, Netherlands, Ghana, the UK, Mexico… see our interactive map for more locations. Read More about “We work in…”