Travelsmart Issue 12 onboard soon

Travelsmart (issue 12) is now at the printers and should be on board all fastjet flights from around 1 October. The magazine’s e-version is embargoed by the airline and will only be available to view once the hard copies are on board aircraft.

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Travelsmart issue 12

Issue 12 of Travelsmart magazine will be published on or around 1 October. Look out for the new issue soon on all Fastjet flights.

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Jubba Airways merger

As Jubba Airways is merging with Daallo Airlines (which operates from its hub in Djibouti), Land & Marine is ending the production of the Somali-English in-flight magazine “Cirka”.

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Fly-SAX issue 7

Issue 7 of Fly-SAX magazine is now available to view on-line, click below. Hard copies of the magazine will be on board all Fly-SAX flights in the coming days.


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540 issue 18

Issue 18 of 540 magazine is now available to view on-line, click below. Hard copies of the magazine will be on board all Fly540 flights in the coming days.


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